Jenna houlihan
Empowering women to embrace who they are,
figure out what truly matters to them
and define success on their terms
Empowering women to embrace who they are,
figure out what truly matters to them
and define success on their terms
Is your life out of balance and you’re juggling too many balls?
Are you always 'busy' but not achieving anything meaningful?
Do you have commitments, to-do lists and obligations but still get lost, lose touch with yourself and the things you truly desire?
Are you stuck in a job that doesn’t give you any sense of purpose or stuck in relationships that are no longer serving you?
Are you putting everyone else first and struggling to actually do what you want to do?
In the chaos of modern living, with too many choices and distractions, we tend to overthink, over-analyse and live in a constant state of overwhelm. I don’t know about you, but I’m OVER it.
Between work, family, and everything in between, it’s no wonder we feel so pressured all the time to be high-achieving ‘superwomen’. Can we really have it all? Maybe not. But we can have the things that truly matter to us.
Like you, I’ve experienced judgement, pain, anxiety, pressure, total overwhelm and burnout. I’ve felt lost, trapped and at times, totally broken. I’ve had self-doubt, feelings of not being good enough (or not having enough) and a complete lack of belief in my abilities.
All too often, we become defined by the stories we tell ourselves (often subconsciously) and allow them to hold us back. As a result, we limit our choices, play it safe and don’t take risks. We coast along, seeking short-term pleasures, never questioning feelings of dissatisfaction, destructive habits or disconnections in our relationships.
But we CAN change our stories. Our mindset. They are not fixed. They are forever growing, evolving.
Give yourself permission to take back control.
Are you bored, stuck or just downright exhausted and running on empty? Have you lost your zest for life and feel like you have no direction or purpose? Do you spend all your time worrying about what other people think of your life choices? Maybe you’re ready for a change, but scared of making a mistake? Maybe you lack confidence and fear is holding you back?
Are you just maintaining the status quo, stuck in your comfort zone, afraid to take risks? Are you stuck in the same destructive eating pattern, or never put yourself forward for that promotion at work? Or maybe you’re still in a job you hate because you’ve been there so long and you’re not sure what else you can do? Do you dread going to work, have sleepless nights and live for the weekend? Maybe you’re just not sure what you want? Or maybe you do, but you don’t know how to go about it?
Do you put everyone else first and lose yourself in the process? Are you so tired every night when you come home from work that you just watch mindless TV and reach for [insert your preferred snack/alcoholic beverage here]? Or perhaps you snap at your partner or kids because you’re so drained and you feel like you have to do EVERYTHING and don’t have any support? Maybe you waste precious time doing things you don’t enjoy because you have trouble saying no and don’t like letting people down? Or you’re worried you’re missing out? Maybe you feel like there is just too much to do and never enough time to get it all done?
If any of the above sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place.
As a Mindset Coach, I help women figure out what truly matters to them and help them make it an active reality in their life.
I will challenge your current way of thinking, help you develop a healthy mindset that serves YOU and guide you on your journey of self-discovery, growth and fulfilment through consistent ACTION. I’m all about results - so let’s create success from the inside out, whatever that looks like for you.
I’m a certified practitioner in Coaching, NLP, CBT and Mindfulness, and I also have a degree in Psychology. I specialise in building confidence, emotional resilience and creating a balance that WORKS.
Whether you're looking for a career change, need help getting that promotion at work, looking for meaningful relationships and connections (or feeling stuck in your current ones), or just want to have more time to exercise/take a bath/dust off your dancing shoes, welcome home lady.
I provide a safe, loving and non-judgmental space for women to be their most authentic selves – no shame, no guilt, no mask.
Stop struggling through life on your own and start THRIVING.
Want to know more?
You’ll connect your head and your heart more often and become a master of managing your thoughts and emotions.
You’ll only seek approval from yourself and stop caring about what everyone else thinks or fall into the comparison trap.
You’ll have more time to look after your mind, body and spirit, prioritising self-care.
You’ll stop analyzing and perfecting everything and actually start taking ACTION on the important stuff.
You’ll get to design your life exactly how you imagine it by turning your dreams into reality.
You’ll be successful on your terms, achieving what truly matters to you.
If you’re still wondering if it’s worth the time and money to invest in yourself, consider how you would feel if nothing had changed this time next year?
I’m also a wife, mama, daughter, sister and friend.
And I know first-hand, the juggle is real!
That’s why I’m totally committed and invested in helping incredible women design and build lives they LOVE.
As a certified multi-disciplinary practitioner in Coaching, NLP, CBT and Mindfulness, along with a degree in Psychology and a ton of coaching experience, I’m fully equipped to help you remove your mindset blocks and create sustainable changes in your life.
It pains me to see so many women over-delivering and being under-valued. I believe we’re worth so much more.
I’m a big advocate for valuing yourself and practicing self-care; my life philosophy is to be true to who you are and to prioritise what really matters to you - screw everything else.
My core values in life are freedom, security, love, connection, authenticity, creativity, discipline, integrity, honesty, accountability and giving back. And they are big drivers in everything I do.
My personal recipe for a balanced life includes: coaching, mentoring, writing, mindful eating, wine, yoga, nature, meditation, travel, adventure, interior design, jazz, books and spending time with my wonderful family and friends.
“Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices”